Become a member of the garden
Please click here to download the member registration form. Complete, sign and date the form to register as a member of the Community Connections Garden. Annual membership dues are $15 per individual or family along with 10 hours of volunteer service in the garden. (After 10 hours of service, you are welcome to bring home veggies from the garden.) Scholarships are available for those who are not able to pay the membership dues. The garden membership opens March 1st and closes Nov. 30th.
Please make checks payable to Wake Forest Baptist Church and write Community Connections Garden in the memo line. Cash is accepted as well. The completed application may be dropped off at the garden or mailed to Wake Forest Baptist Church, Attn: Community Connections Garden, 118 East South Ave., Wake Forest, NC 27587.
This form is also available at the garden.
Your donations make the garden a reality. We depend on your support to build and maintain the garden which allows us to give to the community. We encourage you to not only give monetarily, but provide garden tools, supplies, building materials and structures for the garden. Please donate $ using the button below.